Source code for lml.loader


    Plugin discovery module. It supports plugins installed via pip tools
    and pyinstaller. :func:`~lml.loader.scan_plugins` is expected to be
    called in the main package of yours at an earliest time of convenience.

    :copyright: (c) 2017-2020 by Onni Software Ltd.
    :license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
import re
import logging
import pkgutil
import warnings
from itertools import chain

from lml.utils import do_import

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def scan_plugins(
    Implicitly discover plugins via pkgutil and pyinstaller path


      module prefix. This prefix should become the prefix of the module name
      of all plugins.

      In the tutorial, robotchef-britishcuisine is a plugin package
      of robotchef and its module name is 'robotchef_britishcuisine'. When
      robotchef call scan_plugins to load its cuisine plugins, it specifies
      its prefix as "robotchef_". All modules that starts with 'robotchef_'
      will be auto-loaded: robotchef_britishcuisine, robotchef_chinesecuisine,

       used in pyinstaller only. When your end developer would package
       your main library and its plugins using pyinstaller, this path
       helps pyinstaller to find the plugins.

       a list of module names that should be skipped.

       a list of modules that comes with your main module. If you have a
       built-in module, the module name should be inserted into the list.

       For example, robot_cuisine is a built-in module inside robotchef. It
       is listed in white_list.
    __plugin_name_patterns = "^%s.+$" % prefix
        "Deprecated! since version 0.0.3. Please use scan_plugins_regex!"

[docs]def scan_plugins_regex( plugin_name_patterns=None, pyinstaller_path=None, black_list=None, white_list=None, ): """ Implicitly discover plugins via pkgutil and pyinstaller path using regular expression Parameters ----------------- plugin_name_patterns: python regular expression it is used to match all your plugins, either it is a prefix, a suffix, some text in the middle or all. pyinstaller_path:string used in pyinstaller only. When your end developer would package your main library and its plugins using pyinstaller, this path helps pyinstaller to find the plugins. black_list:list a list of module names that should be skipped. white_list:list a list of modules that comes with your main module. If you have a built-in module, the module name should be inserted into the list. For example, robot_cuisine is a built-in module inside robotchef. It is listed in white_list. """ log.debug("scanning for plugins...") if black_list is None: black_list = [] if white_list is None: white_list = [] # scan pkgutil.iter_modules module_names = ( module_info[1] for module_info in pkgutil.iter_modules() if module_info[2] and re.match(plugin_name_patterns, module_info[1]) ) # scan pyinstaller module_names_from_pyinstaller = scan_from_pyinstaller( plugin_name_patterns, pyinstaller_path ) all_modules = chain( module_names, module_names_from_pyinstaller, white_list ) # loop through modules and find our plug ins for module_name in all_modules: if module_name in black_list: log.debug("ignored " + module_name) continue try: do_import(module_name) except ImportError as e: log.debug(module_name) log.debug(e) continue log.debug("scanning done")
# load modules to work based with and without pyinstaller # from: # see: # load modules using iter_modules() # (should find all plug ins in normal build, but not pyinstaller) def scan_from_pyinstaller(plugin_name_patterns, path): """ Discover plugins from pyinstaller """ table_of_content = set() for a_toc in ( importer.toc for importer in map(pkgutil.get_importer, path) if hasattr(importer, "toc") ): table_of_content |= a_toc for module_name in table_of_content: if "." in module_name: continue if re.match(plugin_name_patterns, module_name): yield module_name